Who's Love is Real

Who can decide which love carries the true meaning based on events surrounding the word?


5/27/20221 min read

What makes us fall in love with people? Is it the charm in someone's eyes? Is it the thrill that comes with the challenge of trusting them? How about long talks and chemistry building? Is it that they make you feel heard? Do they support you financially and make you feel that your welfare is their main concern? Is it the sex?

No matter what it is, does the way you fall in love determine how true or deep the love is? Is your love less worthy than that of someone else's due to false pretenses? No one can justify love based on lust, right? Who can tell the difference? They can decide based on elements concerning patterns associated with outcomes proven only by the opinions of "professionals." Is it true?

Monica fell in love with Jason, and so every day she wrote in her diary about his eyes, his lips, and his body. She wrote of the way he touched her, and everything related to the physical. Is her love less genuine than Bernice's?

Bernice fell in love with Porter because he would call her every day to ask her about her day. He'd insist she tell him her problems so he could find whatever solution was possible to resolve them. He bought her roses every Sunday. opened every door. wanted nothing more than a kiss on her cheek before walking her to her front door, and didn't pull his car off before he knew she was behind the door and locked in. Then he'd wait another minute to assure her she was safe. That he couldn't detect any danger. That's how Bernice fell in love. She knew her love was better than Patrice's.

Patrice only spoke of the wild sex she and her boyfriend, Badazzle, had. How they did it whenever, and wherever, and for extended period of time. However, Bernice remembered when this fabulous Badazzle wouldn't even go out of his way, at two o'clock in the morning, when Patricia's car broke down, leaving her and Patrice stranded. He insisted she call an uber. He wouldn't come. Guess who did? Porter.

Who's love is real?